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Spiffy Pets

PET Grooming

Spiffy Pets Grooming in Machesney Park IL is owned by Rhonda, a lifelong resident to the area that has a love for all animals. Check out our before and after pictures of every pet.

Stop in and visit anytime.

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Open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Always Treat your animal like you treat them ~ with love.

Operate in a relaxed environment,  no animal is caged.

Offer quality services at affordable prices. 

Help make your pet happy and healthy.

Personally bathe and dry every animal.

Volunteer with rescue organizations.

Listen to clients requests.

Offer gift certificates.



Dry an animal unattended in a cage.

Keep an animal longer than needed.

Make your pet feel rushed.

Cage any animal.

Drug any animal.


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